What I can't wrap my head around is where the hell were these U S companies who have pledged millions to Haiti when hurricane Katrina hit? How many of the people who have donated 5 million in record time, by 10 dollar gifts through texting, also gave so freely during Katrina? Where were the cell phone companies when people needed free phone calls in and out of New Orleans? How many countries rushed to our aid? We rush to rescue the world, but what about here at home?
Please don't get me wrong, it's good that people are helping, and I'm proud that we live in a country that is lending a hand. My heart goes out to the people of Haiti.
I'm not saying we shouldn't help when disaster strikes abroad, I'm just saying we should be as vigilant and compassionate here at home.

I was thinking that same thing when I was watching Oprah and Lady Gaga (just Gaga to Oprah) said she was donating all of her concert proceeds bablahablahabl
I was like.. eehh.. that is WONDERFUL and all, but there are still people living in FEMA trailers in N.O. ....
Then my heart broke wondering what it would feel like to be left in the dust like that by your own country.
I am not cold hearted-- I can't IMAGINE what the people of Haiti have gone through and are going through- and they DO need help, obviously-- I just wish that people need help still in New Orleans!
Yeah I agree. Awesome to all the help there but we should see the same here too when tragedy strikes.
I totally agree with you we should always help and give it our all when things like this happens within the US. And I think next time, hoping that there isn't, we will see that too. We learned a lot from Katrina and it's benefiting the people of Haiti now.
The cell phone co's have learned a lot from American Idol voting too and have applied the same to aid now. Technology changes and advances every day. What we had just 6 months ago is old and obsolete.
As far as other countries helping us? I think we'll always see that apathy no matter how much the US gives to others. Sad.
I think we learned a lot as a nation from Katrina's tough lessons -- at least I hope we have. We're still learning. And I agree there's still a lot to do for New Orlean's folks still displaced. Unfortunately, the page turns a bit too soon when you're dealing with the completely broken/poorly mobilized response to Katrina.
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