Every since my early twenties I have been blessed with unsightly skin tags on my neck. My dad has them, my grandpa had them and for some reason thought that they would pass the physical imperfection on to me.
I asked the doctor to look at them and see if she could remove them. She said, "No, but I will refer you to a dermatologist that will. After I check them to make sure they are benign." I said okay let's do it! She checks them and they are benign so the next step would be to, "pay a doctor to remove them."
*Record Scratch*
WHAT!!! My insurance won't pay for it?! No, she says because it isn't a health problem!!! It's all about vanity. WTF it isn't vanity! I look in the mirror and they are ugly as hell! That messes with my mental health doesn't it! That's way within the realm of Blue Cross Blue Shield management I think!
Anyway, I look on line for ways to remove unsightly skin tags at home. I see everything from put wart removal on them to some strange mixture of baking soda and rat poison and then watch them fall off in three days!
Then after several hours of research I saw that people were actually cutting them off at home on their own. Now, I do not have the gonads to do that but Mrs. Monkey, who is an RN BTW, decides that it would be a GREAT idea and an exciting educational experiment. Her eyes light up brighter than a deer in your headlights as it bears witness to it's own death.
Below are the video exploits of Mrs. Monkey performing surgery on my neck. Warning it's not for the weak at heart, but worth exploring if you dare!!!
Redneck Healthcare saved me a total sum of $1500! The removal was painless with no side effects!
OMG- I want to click on the video so bad--- but I AM AFRAID!! LOLOL.
I am going to let someone else do it first.
It's not nearly as bad as you think ... actually there'sone part that is pretty funny!
I'm afraid too! I'll watch if CIW does!
Ok, I did it. I watched. Not as bad as I thought. And you are brave!
OMG. I watched it and almost passed out-- your gf is just as brave as you are. I would have sneezed or something just as horrible as the TOE NAIL CLIPPER (WTF) would have been half way into the tag.
LOL I swear it didn't even hurt!
I'm not brave enough to watch the video -- it is my first time here and all. But your blog rocks.
Thanks! Heading over to your place now!
BAHAHHAHAHA!!!! you big woose, you wouldn't let her film&clip and "is it bleeding?" You're right that was funny! But a nail clipper? I'd be afraid more than just the tag would get clipped off.
Another way is to tie, very tightly pieces of thread around them. With the circulation cut off they just end up falling off. If you have a lot of tags though, it could look like you've got some other problem going on.
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