Dear Snow Fairy,
What is it with all the snow and cold in Kansas City?! What purpose does it have to get this cold??? If it is just your way of getting rid of some things, write me a little note and I will round up enough people to get it done, warm it back up already!
Someone Who Use to Like You - But Now Doesn't
Sweet 8 lb baby Jesus. Today it didn't even get above 9 degrees in Kansas City. I tried with all my might to get up our hill today with my truck to no avail. I wound up walking up it and catching a ride with a co-worker.
Then to make it even worse we are to get another 4 to 6 inches of the white crap tonight! WTF! Where the hell is it going to fall?!
So, I went to the grocery store today and bought some chow in case we get snowed in. Then I had to walk down the hill with my work bag containing 80 lbs of files and my three bags of food from the grocery store!
Tonight my goal is to slip into (or okay maybe slide into) every side street and alley in Kansas City and set traps for the snow fairy ... and oh when I catch her, her fairy winged ass is mine! I am a ruthless hunter and I will find her!
The Snow Fairy Bitch is going to make me break my New Years Resolution #3 - To stop cursing and taking the Lord's name in vain so much. I should remember my religious upbringing and actually fear going to Hell.
LOL Amy! I will ride but only if you promise to drive REALLY fast!
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