Thursday, January 7, 2010

There's a Light ...Carol Ann ... Now Go To It Already

I have decided to give the Infamous Snow Bitch - ah I mean Snow Fairy a name. I shall call her Carol Ann. Now Carol Ann needs to get a damn clue and head toward the light. The light far far away from here!

I am working from home today. In the presence of our two year old grandson who keeps dragging me to the window and taking my head in his hands to make me look at the snow. The same one who keeps thinking that my computer is for viewing Big Bear in the Blue House vs being used for work!
The picture below is Mrs. Monkey's car. An SUV came down the hill and slid into the yard missing her car by inches.

Carol Ann - LISTEN UP! Go TOWARD the light ... and stay the hell there!


C.I.W. said...

HOLY CRAP that is a lot of snow. I was feeling sorry for myself up here in Wisconsin.. we are to get a foot by midnight.

We are used to it, though--

Hope that bitch leaves soon! whew!

Anonymous said...

LOL - Let's hope she pays attention!

Anonymous said...

You tell her!! I want her far away from here too!