Yesterday I was confronted with a situation that still this evening has me so angry that I cannot get pass it.
I know that we live in a cruel world. I see it every day on the news. Our own country is in a war where young men and women die everyday. The local news tells us of death in our own cities and towns that are caused by people who supposly love one another. By young men and women who haven't even reached an age where they have lived out a quarter of their lives. George Tiller was murdered by a man who is know claiming that he was defending unborn babies. A whole family of men here in Kansas City are being charged with molesting their own daughters and neices. Just last summer two young men broke into one of my neighbors homes and he shot at them with a gun. Evil and cruelty are all around us everyday.
But yesterday I saw cruelty in it's worse form. I met a young man with Down Sydrome who had been burned by his own mother with a clothes iron. Not just once. Twice. Twice a man's own mother picked up an iron and pressed it to this young mans body. This wouldn't of even been discovered if it were for the keen eye of a school teacher.
How can anyone do that to another human being. Let alone a mother to her child. How many people are in the silent majorty, like this young man, unable to communicate to the world what is happening to him. Or, how many people just think that is the way life is and that's the best it gets. How many silent abuse victims are there in this world.
Sometimes when I hear about cruelty and evil in the world I think I have just heard and see it everyday that I have become immune. But the type of cruelty that happened to this young man I cannot even begin to wrap my mind or heart around. I can't get past the hate and discontent for the person that did it to him.
I can't get past the knowing that there are hundreds more like him in this world that cannot cry out for help due to a physical disability or fear of what will happen if they do.
Asking for help is a terrifying thing to do sometimes. But not being able to is more frightening to me.
This a thought provoking and sad post. I understand your feelings of helplessness and despair. Life is hard and often downright cruel.
Thanks for checking out my site. Please come back often.
Best, SB.
That literally makes me sick....people can be so cruel...and it's so unnecessary!
Careful there Bastard people might actually think you are kind and have a heart!
CJ, I know. Today I was able to finally talk with some friends and process it ... process not accept!
When I was going through EMT training there was a whole session on how to identify abuse; esp. on the elderly and babies. We learned the signs of the various burn mechanisms of injury. On how a baby's butt would not be burned because it was against the bottom of the cool tub while the rest of the legs and torso would show signs from the scalding water as the parent held him in the water. We were taught this shit because there's sick fucks out there that do this shit. Yup, I have some really sad stories about that helpless silent group.
UM wow. That is just sick! I don't think i could ever understand.
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