We are home from Thailand ... actually been home for a couple weeks and life is just now starting to settle in again.
When I left I had turned over some of my job duties to someone who had been promoted ... then when I got back I found out that they couldn't handle the "new" job duties - so I am back to doing the extra work I was doing when I left ... BUT the company I work for is doing the right thing and making it worth my while. Plus, I have one hell of a boss who I would do anything for because she is fair and very caring about her employees. That my friend I know is a rare, rare find. Not to mention that I am a BIG pain in the ass to supervise because I am a hot head and she is the only one that would put up with me!
I didn't really miss much while I was gone ... EXCEPT for the Monkey (our grandson). He and I went to a Children's Play Museum this weekend.In the space room they had helmets that you could wear. Well he looked cute in his, but mine ... well ...as you can see I look like a tampon head! Monkey forced me to wear it, after all how can you get into a space ship without a helmet ... but alas no Scotty ever beamed us up!
He threw the golf balls in the ball room at the walls. He drank water from the tugboat floating pool and last but not least he threw sand at two other little Monkeys in the sand room.
But boy did we have fun!
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